I didn’t go to any Memorial Day BBQ’s because of one simple reason.
I hate them.
Oh, and I wasn’t invited to any.
Oh, and I hate all of you (for not inviting me to any BBQ’s that I would have hated to go to).
Being someone with social anxiety, the very worst two words you could say to me would be “house party”. With the exception of “You’re coming with me to a house party, no excuses. I don’t care who died.”
When you say “house party” I think “Stranger Danger”. Attending these functions means you are trapped in a tiny, extremely hot environment where you are forced to gulp down multiple random cocktails in order to complete full sentences to people you don’t know. I use the word “cocktails” loosely as I really mean whatever beverage you’re able to fashion together with whatever motley crew of booze bottles are to be found strewn about the kitchen table. Grape Soda and bottom shelf tequila seem to be omnipresent.
BBQ usually means outside. Which could, essentially mean fresh air. So, one excuse down the drain? Not so fast! I lived in LA for 14 years, this means outside in the sweltering heat and smog-choked air! Add that to the copious amounts of grill smoke I’d be inhaling and it’s a emergency room visit waiting to happen. Do you even know how high my deductible is?? Some friend you are.
I celebrated this Memorial day by hopping down to one of the Pier’s that was hosting the USS Bataan for NYC’s famous Fleet Week to tour the ship and then seek out some sort of grilled meat to fill that BBQ party-less hole.
Luckily, just a few blocks away from Pier 88 was 44 & X (which is located conveniently on 44th and 10th Ave).
This place just screams many things. Brunch, outdoor dining, “Hey Sailor!” were just some of them.
The outdoor seating area was completely covered, which was much appreciated on this balmy almost-summer’s day. The server was friendly with just a touch of bitchy.
The prices are just a few bucks higher than neighboring dining options, but you’re paying for really great food and really great ambiance.
And I got my grilled meats! Hey Sailor!
The burger was exactly what I wanted. Perfectly cooked (was not in the mood for a pink center and didn’t get one) and a nice BBQ-grill-char on the outside. Burgers so rarely have a char on them. Damn anti-carcinogen fanatics!
It was the perfect, unpretentious burger in a semi-pretentious atmosphere.
The complimentary bucket of mini muffins were also not lost on me. We consumed the entire bucket and was even handed a second bucket without having to request it!
You can keep your BBQ parties, with your painful small talk and poisonous hot dogs. I’ll gladly pay good money for an hour where no one talks to me except to ask if I want more drinks. Even if the special of the day is Grape Tequila Surprise, the answer will be yes. Just set the drink down and walk away.
622 10th Ave
New York, NY 10036
b/t 44th St & 45th St
Hell’s Kitchen, Midtown West
(212) 977-1170
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