I love it far too much to make a “thank you for being a friend” joke.
Like many oldies my age, I grew up with the Golden Girls. So, obviously if someone were to open up a Golden Girl’s themed cafĂ© (which they did) of course I would go.
I usually tweak all my blog photos before posting (which are always taken with my rapidly aging iPhone 6) using my Photoshop app but I decided not to for this place. I wanted to let the beauty that was Blanche, speak for herself.
Opened by a close friend of Rue McClanahan’s, this place is packed with her memorabilia. Even her old driver’s licenses! There are lots of photos of other cast members but it’s mostly Rue’s stuff.
There is always an episode of The Golden Girls playing on the TV and whenever the theme song comes on, the volume gets turned WAY up. It’s really fun.
The food isn’t bad. It’s just…random.
Apparently Rue used to steam her eggs using her Espresso Machine so those are recreated here. They are pretty good though.
The Betty White Cake was a bit much for one person to consume, but I still did it. It was the least I could do, to honor the late, great Betty White. Oh sorry, she’s not dead yet.
They have cheesecake on the menu (duh) and serve some grilled sandwiches (which are the way to go, really good) but don’t come here planning on some great meal.
Instead, come here for the magic. Since they serve beer and wine, maybe you can create a game where you drink every time Sophia calls Blanch a slut.
4396 Broadway
New York, NY 10040
b/t 189th St & 187th St
Washington Heights
Phone number (917) 521-0820

Betty White Cake

Espressed Eggs with Sausage – Apparently Rue used to make these with the steam wand of her espresso machine….
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