Slice of the Grandma Pie
Following NYC foodies on Instagram can be a dangerous thing. One moment, I’m scrolling past a picture of the world’s most perfect looking pizza and the next, I’m scarfing down that very same pizza.
Once I get something in my head, I have to get it in my belly. It’s that simple.
Today’s obsession was that pepperoni pizza I just teased you about.
I know at the time you were all, like, “What kind of pizza, Bun Boy??”
Well, I just told you. It’s pepperoni. So just relax.
Pepperoni has never been my go-to topping. They’re just tiny grease boats; mini cauldrons of bubbling fat. It’s just so unsightly. Now, I’m not saying that I consider pizza to be lite fare, by any means. I just don’t like it so in-your-face.
I prefer sausage, where the fat is discretely hidden inside. Sausage had suffered a lot of fat shaming in its youth and learned to keep a low profile. It usually just sits there, all fat and ashamed.
Pepperoni is a fat, slob that doesn’t care who sees. If pepperoni wore shirts, his shirt would be really tight, stained and rise up, showing his jelly roll. Sausage prefers to wear a nice, loose-fitting track suit.
So, I’m not sure why this pizza appealed to me today. Here, the pepperoni was gratuitously displayed, in all its greasy glory. Zero shame. Belly exposed.
Maybe it’s the bright green basil that drew me in? Yeah, probably that. Hey, it’s like a salad and entrée all in one! Who could resist?
Well, I could not. And to assist in balancing out the heart attack-inducing meal, I ordered a cocktail which was the color of my pizza’s basil.
It was essentially one of those fancy, overpriced cold-pressed juices except with booze. Oh, and jalapeno. They must know that’s my weakness and that I will purchase any item containing that beloved pepper. Damn you, GG’s.
The pizza was insanely delicious. Really, not only a work of artery clogging art, but super tasty too. It was on the thicker side, drenched in flavor (aka: pepperoni grease). It reminded me of a super upscale, buttery Pizza Hut crust. Pizza Hut is my favorite chain/delivery joint, so please note this is a compliment.
The other pizza we ordered, the 1986, was also very tasty. Thinner NY style crust with tangy pickled peppers, fresh arugula and spicy sopressata (pretentious pepperoni)
After my juice, I mean cocktail, was consumed, I ordered something even tastier! Called a Grey Gardens, it was a lager beer with Earl Grey tea syrup and lemon juice. Delicious! I could drink those all day. Perfect for washing down all that pepperoni madness.
We arrived at this cozy, Alphabet City spot for brunch. On the earlier side, so there wasn’t a wait. And it was all snowy out, which keeps the brunch crowds at bay. The crowd inside was young and chic. And not afraid of a little snow.
Both ladies seated to my left, were donning fur coats, zero makeup and perfectly messy morning hair. They looked fantastic. Their gentlemen companions also appeared in fashionable morning attire and sporting just slightly mussed hair. The four of them looked like supermodels, exacerbated by the fact they seemed to be pushing their food around more than actually eating it.
Something I found amusing placed on their table was this thick, ample piece of brioche toast slathered in almond butter, that I had spied on the menu (but did not order) and subsequently coveted for the duration of our meal. I witnessed the poor thing sporadically moved about their table to make way for more mimosas.
But never actually consumed. Not even one bite!
Sadly, I hadn’t downed enough drinks to summon the courage to ask if I could take it off their hands. Not that my stomach (or wherever the hell that place is where food goes after the stomach is full) had any room. Needless to say, I left the place with my dignity intact.
511 E 5th St
New York, NY 10009
b/t Avenue B & Avenue A in East Village, Alphabet City
Phone number (212) 687-3641

Picture taken just after our chic neighbors left.


lager, lemon & earl grey syrup

GENTLEMAN’S LUNCH – bourbon, rye, raw sugar, blended bitters

1986 – spicy sopressata, fennel agrodolce, pickled peppers, arugula

six slice square pie, pepperoni, tomato sauce, mozzarella,
basil & oregano